Plastic and polystyrene foam packaging has completely taken over our lives and our oceans. Our waterways and marine life can no longer handle the damage that it’s causing. Together, we can stop the production of single-use plastic and polystyrene foam packaging.

It starts by taking the #ditchplasticpackaging pledge.

Take the pledge to reduce your plastic and polystyrene foam footprint in 2020. Commit to switching to moulded-fibre packaging.

Post the following message on social media to take the pledge!

I am taking the pledge to #ditchplasticpackaging in 2020. I will switch to purchasing moulded-fibre egg packaging only. I pledge to reduce my plastic and polystyrene foam footprint by purchasing foods that are not in plastic and polystyrene foam packaging. I will make swaps for a zero-waste future. Will you join me in taking the pledge?